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Coffee morning - a chance to chat and socialise & donations for Ukrainian relief efforts.

This weeks meeting is a Coffee morning giving everyone a chance to chat and socialise.

-Please remember to bring mugs to reduce wastage.
-It would be nice if members brought along biscuits or home made confections to share.

In support of the people and refugees from the Ukraine the Mairie will be collecting items to send..
If you are able to spare a few of these items they will be well received and help the effort.
The City of Pézenas organizes a collection of donations in support of the Ukrainian people, following the appeal launched by the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) and the Civil Protection. The purpose of the collection is to provide displaced populations with basic necessities and relief supplies. The list of donations is thus limited: clothing, sleeping bags, hygiene products, medicines, disposable gloves, surgical masks... (see detailed list attached).
Organisations to collect donations are organized in the wedding hall of the Town Hall:

• Thursday 3 March from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm
• Friday, March 4 from 10am to 12pm
• Wednesday 9 March 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm
• Thursday, March 10 from 10am to 12pm

Through this action, the City of Pézenas affirms its support for the Ukrainian population.

Cots, Sleeping bags, Survival blankets, Clothing, Electrical equipment
(Projectors, lights, extension cords, generators)
Blood glucose meters, Hemostatic dressings, Dressings, Antiseptic solutions
Medical equipment
(Respirator, defibrillator, monitor...) Disposable gloves, Surgical masks, Suture material
Medical gowns, Elastic bandages, Tourniquets
Gels & body soaps, Toothpastes,Toothbrushes, Diapers & Formula
Medications (not expired) Razors, Shaving foams, Sanitary napkins
01 41 21 21 21

Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.

This week will be the last week we need to wear masks and produce a pass sanitaire as the rules change on 14th March

  • From Monday 14th March

  • The Pass Sanitaire no longer needs to be shown.

  • The wearing of masks will no longer be compulsory (except in medical facilities and nursing homes)

2 February

“the history of the wine revolt”-Kevin Ingram.

9 March

Item collection for the Ukrainian relief effort