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This week we have the Annual General Meeting starting at 1030.   
The President invites you all to come and choose the next committee to take the club forward.

There are currently 48 paid up members so we ideally need 24 or more to be there to vote.  If you are unable to vote in person please use a proxy vote - information and how to use a proxy here 

The candidates standing for election/ re-election are as follows
President                               Afshin Hosseiny
Secretary                               Denise Hosseiny
Vice President                       Robert Scarborough
Treasurer                               Debs Lockwood
Membership Secretary          Helen Clapham
Liaison with Mairie                Martine Phillips

As there is only one nomination per post, there will be a block vote for the whole committee.

As usual the doors to the room in Cour Zevort  will be open and refreshments will be served from 1000.  Please bring a mug for your free tea or coffee and biscuits.  If you haven't paid your subscriptions yet, it is 12.50€ per person per year.  We can take cheques or cash at a meeting or you can pay by bank transfer - see here for a RIB.  The tea rota is looking a bit empty - please think about signing up to serve the teas and coffees.  It is a great way to meet everyone in the club!

I look forward to seeing you there.

11 January

Coffee morning

1 February

Leone and Steve Blewett on Possum Magic.